Become a Member of FAHSOM
The Finnish-American Heritage Society is organized for the purpose of promoting, in a social setting, a cultural and educational appreciation of Finland and to explore the traditions of the Finnish families who settled here. Membership is open to all persons interested in the work to which this organization is dedicated. Annual dues are $12 per person and are due by the first regular meeting of the calendar year. Membership includes a quarterly newsletter. Membership begins on the date dues are paid.
The Maine Finn is the newsletter, published quarterly, of the Finnish-American Heritage Society of Maine.
To join the Finnish American Heritage Society of Maine please complete the order form and mail dues with the completed form to:
Finnish American Heritage Society of Maine
PO Box 294
West Paris, ME 04289
All information is private and confidential. By submitting this form, you agree to subscribe to the Finnish American Heritage Society of Maine Newsletter Mailing List via Mailchimp.
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Please check ONLY one option to received newsletter. If you choose email, you will need to provide your email address. You will receive an email from mainefinns1@gmail.com with a link to sign up with MailChimp.